City Administrator Leonides Borja assured safety and security at the carnival which has been part of the fiesta highlights.
The assurance came as the public welcomes the reintroduction of a carnival for fiesta celebration. However, the public hopes there will be no gambling as among the features inside the carnival. Senior citizens who called the top-rated “Inyong Alagad” program of dyRD suggested the city government should sponsor circus as an added feature of the carnival.
Borja said city engineers and members of ALERT are constantly monitoring activities at the carnival, including safety of rides and even the participation of carnival goers at games of chance.
Borja also said a security plan is being implemented while the carnival is ongoing.
He also said the city government took note on the past experiences with the carnival, now on its third run
Safety nets had already been put in place to avoid the previous lapses.
Aside from raising revenue, the city government also makes sure the carnival will serve the fiesta entertainment aspect.
The city government even gives free rides to children.
The carnival hosts rides and games of chance but strictly prohibits gambling, a policy also assured by the management of the carnival, who plans to put up additional rides in the next few days.
The city government allays concerns about encouraging gambling activities and supposed increase in crime volume such as theft.
Majority of Tagbilaran residents, expressed through DYRD Txtklamo center, that the carnival is a welcome attraction in the city as long as safety and security is assured and that there are no gambling activities, which usually cause crimes. The carnival is part of activities in celebration of Saulog Tagbilaran.