“Cleanse not only your dockets but also the courts of corruption”.
This was the challenge hurled to Bohol’s bar and bench by Court Administrator Jose Midas P. Marquez on the occasion of the oath taking of new judges, prosecutors, public attorneys and a National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) agent.
Marquez called on the Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Bohol Chapter to serve as a vehicle to check government corruption and oligarchic excesses recalling the Supreme Court’s joining the call of the business sector to create a culture of integrity.
Speaking extensively of Integrity Initiative, a private and government campaign to promote good governance, transparent business transactions and integrity in governance, Marquez impressed on the lawyers as “key partners; and instrumental allies of the Supreme Court”.
Marquez challenged the IBP Bohol Chapter under the leadership of Atty. Ted Lagang to “initiate a similar endeavor with a view to organizing members of the bar towards an accountable government that is so essential in maintaining in our country our treasured rule of law”.
He was introduced by Manila based Boholano lawyer Roland Inting, former national executive director of IBP.
Admitting that “we cannot stop corruption in the judiciary alone” Marquez stressed the need for the cooperation of all stakeholders to ensure that our courts will remain free from corruption and employ the most efficient processes to expedite the resolution of cases”.
Marquez, in closing pushed the pillars of the justice system in Bohol to pool their efforts in eradicating corruption in the judiciary.
Serving as a law clerk in the Supreme Court since 1991, Marquez is an A.B. Economics graduate from the Ateneo de Manila University class 87 and a holder of a degree of Juris Doctor from the Ateneo Law School class 1993 and passed the Bar in 1994.
Lagang succeeded lawyer Menedio Thadeus ‘Emem” Bernido as IBP-Bohol president. Atty Warren Yap, Jr. who is the IBP vice president delivered the welcome remarks of last night’s program held at the Bohol Tropics.
The officers of IBP Bohol were inducted by lawyer Gov. Edgar Chatto who also delivered an inspirational message. (CMV)