Preparing ahead of the inevitable massive economic boom expected to go along with the operation of the New Bohol Airport in Panglao, the adjacent town of Dauis makes sure garbage will be out of the hitches.
Dauis Mayor Miriam Sumaylo said they could no longer avoid the influx of investors, considering that the north-eastern border of the airport site is adjacent to their town.
They have to establish an efficient garbage disposal system, being one of the top concerns now, aside from sewerage, in a tourist island.
By this time, the municipality of Dauis strictly implements an ordinance requiring every establishment to put up a compost pit before they get the building permit, according to Sumaylo.
The mayor of Dauis said some establishments tried to appeal to be given consideration of being issued a building permit first while still complying with the compost pit requirement.
However, Sumaylo never granted any of them to make sure the requirement is complied with.
This is also in preparation for the operation of the Albur Cluster Sanitary Landfill in which Dauis and Panglao—the two towns in Panglao Island—are members.
The cluster sanitary landfill will also complement the component on sustainable environment protection of the New Bohol Airport.
Since the Albur Cluster Sanitary Landfill will only accept residual waste from the 11 member municipalities, Sumaylo said the municipal government of Dauis requires establishments to have their own compost pits.
Sumaylo said their town has to be ready for the full operation of the New Bohol Airport.(Angeline Valencia)