Negros Oriental has however only its Provincial Development Council Economic Development Committee endorsement for its intention to ne in the IPAC list, where a full RDC council endorsement is needed.
In its meeting September 24 here, the RDC secretariat informed members that Provincial Development Councils of Bohol, Cebu and recently, Negros Oriental have endorsed their respective intentions to get to the IPAC to help support the government’s thrust to reduce poverty, enhance food security and promote agribusiness development.
In Bohol, the PDC execom identified three ARC clusters: APCSSD [Alicia, Pilar, Carmen, Sierra Bullones, San Miguel, Dagohoy], CABATUAN [Catigbian, Balilihan, Tubigon, Antequera and San Isidro] and BIBADILL [Bilar, Batuan, Dimiao, Loboc, Loay], all selected on two parameters: magnitude of ARBs and poor population.
In Cebu, its PDC also favorably endorsed the clusters of PABC [Pinamungahan, Aloguinsan, Barili and Carcar].
As for Negros Oriental, PDC economic Committee through resolution [2015] requested for RDC endorsemenrts for BAYBASTAC [Bayawan, Basay and Sta. Catalina] pleading for topmost priority in the IPAC national funding considering that Negros Oriental is among the top ten poorest provinces based on the latest survey of the University of the Philippines National College of Public Administration and Governance.
As such, its IPAC inclusion aims to increase rice production by 20%, significantly contribute to Bohol’s vegetable production, strengthen farmers’ associations and provide technology improvement to over 5,000 ARBs.
Moreover, the Bohol PDC believes the inclusion of these clusters from IPAC uplifts the lives of ARBS and their families, contribute to the uplift for the province’s development priority of ensuring food security and inclusive growth.
Conceptualized in 2010 as an Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity Development Project, and the Gearing Rural Organizations for Wealth Creation Towards Household Income Improvement, the project soon picked IPAC to reflect on the projects emphasis on enabling farmers and their respective organizations to participate in the market through sustainable partnerships with the private sector.
IPAC covers 50 ARC clusters in 44 provinces across 14 regions and is funded by the P10.15 billion, which would be running from 2016-2020.
IPAC envisions, to increase by 15% average real net farm incomes, 50% or agri-enterprises supported and 30,000 jobs remain viable even after project implementation.
IPAC accordingly, would be implemented in 3 inter-related components which include support services for enhanced market linkages; which provides capacity building activities to improve technical know-how of small holder farmers and organizations, enhance land tenure services and provide rural infrastructure to improve productivity, accessibility and connectivity.
For Investments in Productive Partnerships component, IPAC aims to kick-start and boost economic growth in the country-side by enhancing the linkages of farmer organizations to viable markets and establishing productive partnerships with relevant private enterprises engaged in agri-business-related activities and the project management monitoring and evaluation component.
As such, DAR leads in the implementation in cooperation with relevant agencies like the Department of Agriculture, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Public Works and Highways, National Irrigation Administration, Local Government Units and State Colleges and Universities.
DAR also engages the private sector, non government organizations, networks and federation of farmer organizations, in the delivery of extension and business development services, conduct of feasibility studies as well as the commissioning of consultants and experts in the conduct of policy studies under the IPAC. [rac/pia-/Bohol]Â Â