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international-datelineThe overflow of refugees to Europe, planes shot and cities attacked show unfortunately that the international coalition of forces has not controlled the danger created by ISIS.

A U.S. leader said, “We are facing a group that is intent on destroying our very way of life.”How can we prevent the next target?

Critics demand new strategies to defeat this enemy, but most proposals are what the international coalition are already doing.

Some leaders suggest, it can be solved through development and diplomacyin parallel with military efforts. The humanitarian side through development and diplomacy is very vital to the arriving refugees.


But some analysts say, the international coalition target the symptoms of the problem rather than the cause.

Accordingly, millions of Sunni Muslims living between Damascus and Baghdad and millions more in Europe and elsewhere are offended, insecure and humiliated by the politics of the region, causing them to support the distorted cause of the ISIS.

Some also observed that ISIS is a cult group and thus be confronted in cultic tactic.

The world has finally realized that Islamic State is a threat it cannot afford to ignore. This is no longer just the “Middle East problem,” it is the world’s problem.

Moreover, locally we are faced with the threat of El Nino, La Nina and the drug menace.

Is the world still a safer and secure place to live?




Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. –W. Clement Stone (By Edgar Allan J. Tac-an)

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