The May 2016 elections with candidates vying for various political positions led this year’s Top 10 stories of The Bohol Chronicle. The paper run in one of its issues the complete list of candidates for mayors and vice mayors of Bohol’s 47 towns and its capital city of Tagbilaran.
The other stories in the top 3 are the recovery stories after Bohol was hit by the strongest earthquake and the captivating visit of Pope Francis which touched the hearts of every Boholano.
On economic news, the construction of the New Bohol Airport which finally has started landed as the 4th biggest story of the year followed by the apprehension of a power shortage in the next two years if Bohol will not be able to come up a land based power source in the island province, and not depend on the power from the other provinces.
The 6th biggest story is the rash of killings which led some sectors to conclude the presence of vigilantes in Bohol out to terminate drug personalities.
The sudden resurfacing of the legal casa against the joint venture agreement of the power and water supply landed as the 7th biggest story.
Bohol was not spared by calamities as Typhoon “Seniang” killed 5 Boholanos and caused damages up to P47 million – the 8th biggest story.
The grand homecoming of Boholanos from all over the world last July under the Tigum Bolajanon sa Tiubouk Kalibutan was picked as the 9th biggest story while the recent arrest of the gang leader of an extortion group landed as the 10th biggest story. (Read: Editorial)