BETTER THAN ANY LOTHARIO OR ROMEO, Jesus Christ’s death on the cross for a crime He did not commit shows his unfathomable, peerless love for mankind. Greater love than that -no other man has. That He gives up His life for friends.
And yet for the dishonor they inflicted on him as if a No 1 criminal- His First of the Last Seven Words was about  forgiveness for His enemies. Have you met a man like this?
All through his four years of public life, Christ showed nothing but kindness, deathless teachings and cure for the sick and needy. Only to be betrayed by his Treasurer-cousin Judas Escariot and deserted by his disciples who vowed to give their lives for Him. Do you realize how painful that can be?
He died on the Cross almost alone  -with His Mother bleeding in the heart -without the comfort of a spouse  to comfort her for St Joseph had gone before Jesus’ death, Do you know how lonely that can be for Mary?
There is  a reason why Jesus wanted a public death in the cross witnessed by many.
That public death would give authenticity to His Resurrection on Easter Sunday -otherwise people will just suspect the apostles just carted His Body away. Or He did not die at all.
The two greatest feasts in the Christian world are Christmas and Easter.
His Death and Resurrection saved man from Sin. But of course, He had to be born first- during Christmas. Thus, the two special feasts.
Today  is Easter Sunday- Let us rejoice in God’s Salvation of Mankind. Shalom.!
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