Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital made a turnaround after it was awarded the ISO 9001:2008 Certification from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO TUV SUD last Friday during formal awarding ceremony held at the Bohol Tropics Resort.
GCGMH Medical Center chief, Dr. Jose Teofilo D. Arcay, FPCR, FUSP, MPA received the award during the momentous event which has elevated the rank and profile of this government owned hospital.
Aside from the awarding of the ISO certificate, the hospital also had the upgrading of its facilities which were blessed earlier in the day, to include a one-of-a-kind Autoclave Waste Sterilizer, Ultrasound (x-ray, OB) 2D Echo, CR-DR-C-ray machine, NICO Incubator, HDU Machines, Blood Bank Equipment, Hospital Enterprise Information and Records Management System or Electronic Archiving, and ambulance and a rapid Deployment Vehicle.
The upgrading of hospital facilities came unprecedented under Arcay’s stewardship.
After being audited, the hospital was given an international seal of Quality Management System for the “provision of hospital services, medical, surgical, emergency, obstetrics, pediatrics, OPD, dental, nursing service, radiology, intensive care units, laboratory services, internal medicine, administrative and finance.
The awarding of the ISO Certificate by TUV SUD was done by Engr. Rosemarie Abatayo and witnessed by Dr. Gerardo Bayugo, assistant secretary for policy and health systems of the Department of Health, DOH-7 Regional Director Jaime Bernadas, as well as chiefs of hospitals in Central Visayas.
Gov. Edgar Chatto and City Mayor John Geesnell Yap graced the occasion.
Adding color to the affair was the oath-taking of some 80 newly promoted personnel of the hospital.
DOH Asst. Sec. Bayugo who was the guest speaker during the affair expressed his elation to the gigantic achievement of the hospital which for sure will benefit the Boholanos. He likewise congratulated Dr. Arcay for his
stewardship in improving the services of the hospital.(Read: Lifestyle-Bohol)Â Â