Two drivers onboard motorcycles died on the spot while two passengers were hurt after both vehicles collided head on along the national road in Barangay Camambugan, Ubay Wedensday afternoon, June 8, 2016.
Police in Ubay said that both motorcycles were travelling at high speeds before the collision, causing the deaths and the injury of two others who were rushed to a nearby hospital.
The fatalities were identified as Roy Boyunas and Juan Dilaw.
Dilaw’s passenger, Crisanto Flor is reportedly in critical condition. Boyunas’ companion who was also injured was identified as Larry Flores.
The authorities said that Boyunas attempted to overtake a cement mixer truck in front of him but collided with Dilaw instead.
Bayonas immediately died after he was thrown away as result of the impact and was run over by the cement mixer truck splitting the victim’s head open.
Dilaw also incurred severe head injuries and was hit  in other parts of his body.
Police found out that both victims were not wearing helmets during the said incident.
Antonio Gandulfo, the driver of the mixer truck that accidentally ran over Bayonas, is currently being held at the Ubay Police Station. (with reports from Allen Doydora)