The Simeon Balatero-Eusebia Balangan group of families recently held a clan reunion in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
The reunion was held at Max’s Restaurant last July 8 in Las Vegas with a sumptuous dinner sponsored by the Rara families of Chino Hills, Los Angeles, CA. It was graced by Beatriz Balatero who came all the way from Bohol and some relatives all over the United States.
Interesting issues such as the peace and order situation back in the country and the political status and the economic development of Bohol were discussed during the dinner fellowship.
A bowling tournament was conducted by the youngsters and the senior citizens. The competition lasted for more than four hours with the younger generation players declared as winners.
After lunch, the youngsters proceeded to watch a summer league basketball exhibition which were participated by newly NBA recruited draftees.
They witnessed a heart beating win by Los Angeles Lakers over their opponent. On the other hand, the senior citizens attended a novena in honor of San Nicolas de Tolentino held at the residence of the Lagas family in a nearby plush subdivision. It coincided with a house blessing of their newly acquired residence.
The reunion ended with an early Sunday morning Holy Mass before leaving for respective destinations.
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