The Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary (IHMS) will honor five outstanding alumni as it will mark its 66th Founding Day tomorrow. The seminary has produced 447 priests and eight bishops.
Today, 25 seminarians will have their investiture rites with Bishop Leonardo Medroso, IHMS chief administrator presiding the ceremony during a Pontifical Mass at 8:30 this morning at the IHMS Church.
Tomorrow which is the feast day will honor five outstanding alumni, namely, Archbishop Bernardito C. Auza, Papal Nuncio, Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Duterte Cabinet Sec. Leoncio Evasco, Jr., NEDA Director Ernesto Pernia, Postmaster General Joel Otarra and former NBI Director Virgilio Mendez.
It maybe noted the IHMS has produced eight Boholano bishops, namely, Most Rev. Felix Zafra, Most Rev. Jesus B. Tuquib, Most Rev. Juan de Dios M. Pueblos, Most Rev. Zacarias C. Jimenez, Most Rev. Alfredo Baquial, Most Rev. Antonieto D. Cabajog, Most Rev. Bernardito Auza and Most Rev. Crispin Varquez
Rev. Fr. Val Pinlac, the 18th IHMS rector will preside during a Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during the Holy Hour is set at 5:00pm with Rev. Fr. Socrates Mesiona to the reflection.
Rector Pinlac told The Chronicle that this year’s anniversary picked the school’s outstanding alumni since it started its mission to produce priests, way back in 1950 with Ref. Fr. Alphonse Mildner, SVD as the first rector. The first Boholano to be appointed as IHMS rector was the late Msgr. Pelagio Dompor.
The weeklong celebration has Tuesday as the Alumni Day.
Archbishop Auza, Bishop Cabajog and Bishop Medroso will concelebrate during a Holy Mass to be attended by school’s alumni. A class and business meeting will be conducted.
Wednesday is designated as “Day of Prayer” with the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
“Workers’ Day” is set on Thursday while Seminarians’ Day will cap the week’s celebration on Friday.
Meanwhile, the 25 seminarians who will be having their investiture rites today are Rey Kenneth Amora, Michael Jay Asilo, Miko Jezrael Baislan, Jay Cambo, Tristan Cajes, Darwin Cutin, Gabriel Delute, Micahel Jade Ejera, Jemar Estose, John Rilu Estose, Mhark Francis Gupita, Silvester Ferdie Lansang, Isidore Licayan, Christian Jay Lumaban, Dennis Mejias, Jefferson Mier, Joseph Raymund Mira, Steven Mozo, Alexis Negro, Tex Hipolitus Padas, Matt Michale Pahayac, Nino Pocholo Pajo, Justino Penonia, Jr., Nazareth Saguing and Isiah William Timaan II.