In due recognition to her outstanding achievement, the alumni association of the University of San Carlos has bestowed to Dr. CristetaBalili-Tirol , UB Vice President for Finance, The Outstanding Carolinian Award (TOCA) 2016 Semper Fidelis – Virtus, Leadership in Educational Management in a fitting ceremony held last August 20, 2016 at Mandani Bay, F.E. Zuellig Avenue, Mandaue City.
TOCAÂ is meant to recognize the outstanding achievement of the alumni of the University of San Carlos who have significantly advanced their chosen profession, benefited their fellow Carolinians, the family and the community.
The nomination of Dr. Tirol was screened by the Awards Committee who in turn endorsed it for approval by the University’s Board of Trustees through the University President. Dr. Tirol was awarded under the category of Virtus (Leadership): for demonstrating moral integrity and proficiency in the practice of one’s profession in business management, civil administration, public service and entrepreneurship. She is recognized by her outstanding contribution in the field of education in the management of the University of Bohol being the head of the finance department and member of the board of trustee, and co-founder of Cristal-e College.
Dr. Cristeta B. Tirol is a graduate of BS Psychology (Magna Cum Laude) at the University of San Carlos  in 1963. She finished her masters degree in Guidance and Psychology (Benemeritus), and her doctorate in Psychology (Benemeritus) at the University of Sto. Tomas.
A couple of years back, Dr. Cristeta B. Tirol  was bestowed the Business Achievement Award and Family of the Year Award by the City of Tagbilaran. She  is the widow of Dr. Victoriano D. Tirol, II,  a Ten Outstanding Boholano Awardee (TOBAW) and former UB President. They are  blessed with two sons,  Dr. Victoriano B. Tirol, III , UB Vice President for Administration and Dr. Will Tyron, President of Cristal-e College.
Other Boholanos who received the TOCA  include, Atty. Zoilo D. Dejaresco of The Bohol Chronicle, Court of Appeals Justice Atty. Gabriel T. Ingles, Engr. VirgilioEspeleta, City Mayor John Geesnell Yap and Dr. Dioscoro O. Ayag, Jr. (labboncales)