The chief of the Dauis Police Station has denied the allegation of a motorbike owner who accused the municipal police of removing and replacing the muffler of his custom-built vehicle after it was confiscated by authorities.
Dauis police chief Senior Inspector Gerald Luna on Tuesday issued his statement through dyRD Balita after one Gerald Pahang posted on his Facebook page photos of his motorcycle inside the police station and a statement accusing the town’s police of taking his muffler.
According to Luna, police took custody of Pahang’s motorbike on Sunday evening after they received reports from concerned citizens indicating that a drag race was about to take place at Barangay Dao of said town.
Responding police officers were then able to catch two men on their motorbikes and were about to race along a national road in the said village at around 10:45 p.m, Luna said.
The two motorcycles were supposed to be confiscated by authorities but one of the owners was able to present valid documents for his vehicle.
Pahang however only presented an expired official receipt and certificate of registration for his vehicle.
Luna also said that Pahang’s motorbike had many of its parts altered which is an “impoundable offense.”
The police chief also noted that all of the motorbike’s parts remained intact including the muffler which, according to Pahang, was taken by police.
According to Luna, the motorbike remained under police custody as the owner has to pay penalties to claim the vehicle. (AD)