A former traffic enforcer was found dead at a remote village in Ubay with a single gunshot in the head at past midnight on Monday.
According to Corporal Erico Daigan of the Ubay Police Station, passersby found the lifeless body of Rolando Cadorniga, 47, near his residence in Barangay Tipolo at around 12:30 a.m., then reported the sighting to Barangay Captain Maila Zapanta who in turn alerted the police.
Authorities believed that Cadorniga was shot dead along a secluded barangay road at around 10:30 p.m. while he was driving his motorcycle and heading home from a cockpit arena in a nearby village.
“Mga 10:30 dihay nakadungog og buto didto sa kung asa siya nakit-an sa Tipolo, naay may bay pero usa ra pud kabuok duol didto mga 100 meters,” said Daigan. “Dihay buto pero wa na nila panumbalinga kay abi nila’g pabuto.”
Crime scene investigators meanwhile found one spent 9mm bullet shell near the body of Cadorniga, who was shot once in the forehead.
According to Daigan, Cadorniga who voluntarily resigned as a traffic enforcer in Ubay in December last year did not inform his family of any threat to his life but he had been acting suspicious and appeared to have been under threat prior to his killing.
“Iyang mama akong na-estorya ganina ingon na iyang anak [Cadorniga] na kung naa kunoy motor mo hunong sa ila, mo tawag sa iyang kwarto, bisag naay ero mo paghot mo tago kuno,” he said.
It was also noted that Cadorniga was already living with his live-in partner in Barangay Imelda in Ubay but recently moved back in with his parents in Barangay Tipolo for still unknown reasons.
Police are still facing a blank wall as to the motive behind the killing and the identity of the gunman.
Dagain said that they are continuing their probe on the case. (A. Doydora)