A pickup truck owned by the mayor of Sierra Bullones overshot a road and crashed into cement fences of two houses in Duero town at midday on Tuesday.
No one was injured during the incident but a Nissan Navarra owned by Mayor Simplicio Maestrado, who was not on board the vehicle during the accident, and roadside fences in Barangay Langkis, Duero were damaged.
According to Staff Sgt. Narvin Abueva of the Duero Police Station, the pickup truck’s driver, Jorge Cuñado, who was alone in the vehicle was driving from Tagbilaran City to Candijay when he suddenly swerved to the side of the ride to avoid an under-construction portion of the national highway in which bollards and solar studs were being installed.
The pickup truck hit a moteralla and a tricycle before it slammed into the fences.
Abueva said that the construction personnel who were on their lunch break during the accident failed to place an early warning device before the installation site causing Cuñado to be caught off guard upon approaching the area.
The site was at the end of a slightly uphill road making it difficult for the driver to see the construction workers beyond the incline portion of the national highway.
“Kung naa pay early warning device maka-menor na unta siya, straight kaayo ning dalanan pero adtong lugara naay slight inclination, motungas ka gamay, di nimo makita ang bollard. Diha na nakakita ang driver sa bollard, duol na kaayo,” said Abueva.
Abueava noted that negligence was on the part of Muaña Construction Company which was overseeing the installation of the road accessories.
“Ang dunay participation ang driver kay siya may nag-drive pero ang negligence g’yud firstly naa sa installer adtong road stud,” said Abueva.
All involved parties reached an amicable settlement with Muaña set to cover all expenses incurred due to the accident. (A. Doydora)