SAN MIGUEL, Bohol – The San Miguel municipal hall is closed to the public Monday after a head of office tested positive of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Meanwhile, Municipal Mayor Virgilio Mendez who voluntarily self-isolated last week after having been in “close contact” with a person who was exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 patient confirmed to dyRD Balita Monday morning that his PCR test result came negative.
According to Mayor Mendez, he ordered to temporary closure of the municipal hall and suspending the processing of documents to pave way for the disinfection of its offices after one of the municipality’s division head tested positive of COVID-19.
The municipal division head reportedly contracted the disease from the businesswoman who also tested positive of COVID-19 last week. Said businesswoman is being treated at the municipal isolation facility, according to Mendez.
The results of the PCR test of the latest COVID patient was released from the PCR containerized laboratory Sunday night, Mendez said. (KB, RT)