Vice Gov. Rene Lopez Relampagos signed the binding agreement between the Provincial Government of Bohol and the Bohol Provincial Employees’ League (BOPEL) on October 16, 2020 at the Ceremonial Hall of the Provincial Capitol.
The binding agreement, also known as the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA), details on the promotion of the welfare, well-being and benefits of the employees through better employment and working conditions being provided by both the management and the employees’ association. The CNA came after undergoing a series of renegotiation processes, from its revision and updating, to presentation of the updated CNA to the Local Finance Committee, to the members of the Management Executive Board, until the lobbying to the members of the SangguniangPanlalawigan for its approval and for the authority of the Governor to sign the CNA.
Hon. V-Gov. Relampagos, being one of the major signatories of the agreement, expresses his approval of the agreement and fully supports the various programs of the Provincial Government that are geared towards the promotion of the employees’ welfare and benefits. Hon. V-Gov. Relampagosreinforces the purpose of the agreement in promoting a noble and enduring relationship between the employees and the management through the development of a harmonious and sound labor-management practices.
With the outpour of support from both the Executive and Legislative Departments of PGBh, the officers and members of BOPEL has expressed theirprofound sense gratitude by guaranteeing its wholehearted and unified endeavor to all of the programs, projects and activities of the present Yap-Relampagos administration, all for the love of the Boholano people.