The real risk braved by medical frontliners now show as at least seven Bohol health care workers are now carrying in them the dreaded coronavirus disease (COVID), six of them possibly getting the virus from their patients.
Incorporated in the Bohol COVID-19 Case Map provided by the Bohol Inter-Agency Task Force on the management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (BIAFT) December 4, 2020, are the six cases of health care workers, all afflicted from local transmission and another health worker in the province surveillance unit.
The cases: one Antequera health worker, one Carmen healthcare worker, another Dauis health care worker and three Tagbilaran City Health care workers are among the 50 local transmission cases as Bohol records 145 cases, 592 recoveries and 15 deaths as of 1:00 PM on that day.
That same day too has Tagbilaran City leading the most number of active cases at 36, followed by Carmen and Jagna which both have ten cases and Dauis with nine cases.
Tagbilaran also keeps the record for the day for highest local transmission case at 13: 10 local residents and 3 health care workers, also has 6 cases brought in by Authorized Persons Outside Residence, 12 cases carried in by returning locally stranded individuals and four returning Overseas Filipino Workers.
For the case of Carmen, in the ten cases are one town resident and another health care worker getting the affliction from local sources.
Also, the town has five cases from homing LSIs, and three cases from returning OFWs, the daily case map bared.
For Jagna, all cases are transported in by seven returning LSIs and 3 homing OFWs.
For Dauis which has nine cases, five of its cases, plus one health care worker, are traced from local transmission.
The rest include one from a returning LSI, another one from an APOR entering town and still another one from an OFW homing.
Fifth in the list is Loon with eight active cases, one from a local transmission, six brought in by returning LSI and another case from a returning OFW.
Sixth in the list of cases is Panglao: three of its cases are locally transmitted, two cases carried in by entering APORS, two from returning LSIs.
Seventh is Trinidad, which has six cases all brought in by returning LSIs and all in isolation facilities.
Eighth is shared by Loon, Tubigon and Antequera.
Loon records one local transmission case, six LSIs and one returning OFW; while Tubigon has three local transmissions and two cases from the LSIs who have come home.
On the other hand, Antequera cases are from a health worker, another from a local resident afflicted via local transmission, and three from LSIs in containment now. (rahchiu/PIA-7/Bohol)