The Sandugo Family Club of New York and New Jersey gave 145 Boholano children with special needs educational and therapeutic kits to help them in their efforts to overcome their mental health, behavioral and learning challenges.
The Bohol Stimulation and Therapeutic Activity Center (STAC) under the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office were the blessed beneficiary of three big boxes containing clothes, toys, books and therapeutic activity kits that would support the needs of kids with behavioral conditions.
Trinidad “Daday” Mercado, a registered nurse and proprietress of Chriscentville Pensione House handed over the donations in behalf of Josephine Sarabosing, president of the Sandugo Family Club on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at the STAC premises along Mariano Parras St. Tagbilaran City.
Margie Sanchez and employees of the STAC together with Annabelle Jayco, faculty member of the Bohol International Learning Center witnessed the turn-over of the three large boxes containing the donated goods.
Sanchez, speaking in behalf of Malou Makinano, Assistant Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office was profuse in her thanks to the Sandugo Family Club saying “this donation is a powerful thing that can transform the lives of these kids for a healthy and happy life”.
The STAC-Bohol has been in the forefront in the management of children with behavioral disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism and other disorders.
The Sandugo Family Club of New York and New Jersey, a group of successful Boholanos living in the US has pooled their resources and strengthened their access to organizations and have for many years supported charitable causes in Bohol.
On June 2, 2016, the Sandugo Family lend their support to victims of sexual abuse under the Bohol Crisis Intervention Center and a regular contributor to DYRD Operation Alagad and Tagbilaran by Night. (Chito M. Visarra and Rey Tutas)