After three years when the strongest earthquake rocked the province, an assessment on its continuing recovery program will be conducted on Saturday to commemorate its 3rd year anniversary.
Dubbed as Bohol Resiliency Congress, various agencies, including international agencies will be attending the forum at the Bohol Cultural Center.
“Knowing where we are now after the devastating tragedy is the best way to commemorate the event,” according to Gov. Edgar Chatto who told the Chronicle that about 85% of the shelter reconstruction has been completed , including the damaged roads and bridges.
He mentioned that among the ongoing rehab works are the various churches and heritage structures, including the Provincial Capitol Building.
The detailed assessment of the ongoing rehab works will be reported by the individual agencies concerned during the forum at the Bohol Cultural Center,
Marking the 3rd commemoration, Holy Masses will be officiated in all churches at 8:03am on Saturday which is the actual time the 7.2 magnitude quake hit the province.Â
The governor cited the Boholanos’ resiliency as the first achievement each resident can be proud of. He cited the capability of the people is until in the purok level while citing the livelihood program, in agriculture and livestock.
The Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan will be updated during the forum while citing partnership with joint task force Dragon,CDP-PPM, PPOC.
Gov. Chatto told the Chronicle that the proposed BEA 2 is now under the Office of Civil Defense which conducted actual project evaluation for every proposal to ensure that the quality under pre-set criteria . The national government will issue the final advice as to the availability of funds.
He is confident the Duterte administration will consider the pending funding for Bohol;s recovery program.
In marking the 3rd year commemoration, Gov Chatto echoed his usual slogan saying “Padayon, Bohol,. There is an updating as local officials attended the National Climate Change Sumit held in Cebu City where Bohol became a good example of a people who can stand after every fall.
 He thanked the donors who stood by to help the province in the recovery program while those who perished and injured will be remembered in the prayers and masses to be officiated during the 3rd anniversary of the strongest tremor to hit the province.
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