The killing of of a suspected Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) member dawn Friday remains a mystery in the minds of the Boholano netizens who could hardly believe the initial disclosures made by the Philippine National Police (PNP).
The questionable killing of the Saad Samad Kiram alias Abu Saad is now the subject of a full dress investigation to be conducted by the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Region VII who sent investigators to start its probe tomorrow.
Abu Saad, who is one of the three remaining terrorists was arrested Thursday in Tubigon town after he sought refuge in a house to seek some food.
He was brought to Camp Dagohoy for interrogation.
PNP Prov’l Director Felipe Nativdad told the Chronicle Abu Saad cooperated with the police when he was investigated regarding their aborted planned operations in the province.However, he could only narrate on what has already been known by the police.
Because there is no detention center at Camp Dagohoy, this city. the police decided to transport him to the Bureau of Jail and Management Penology in Cabawan district, this city.
The CHR 7 investigators will secure a copy of the official police report on Kiram’s death as part of an in-depth investigation.As of presstime, police could not yet provide a copy of the official complete report on the escape attempt of the terrorist.
CHR 7 Director Arvin Odron said it was necessary to investigate Kiram’s death because he found the circumstances surrounding his death highly questionable.
The Chronicle learned that the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) will have to exhume the body of Ahu Saad since there was no autopsy conducted before the remains was buried in a private lot near a public cemetery in baragay Tiptip, this city Friday afternoon.
Director Odron said an autopsy is necessary in order to know how Saad was shot, as to the trajectory of the bullets and the distance from the cop who shot him and all other details on the manner he was shot.
Saad, one of the remnants of the ASG members who entered Inabanga, Bohol, was arrested on Thursday morning in Barangay Tanawan, Tubigon town after he went out of hiding to look for food.
During interrogation, Saad admitted he was one of the boatmen of the three kumpit (fast twin-engine boat) that entered Inabanga town on April 10.
According to sources privy to Saad’s investigation, he was commissioned by Abu Rami to take them to Bohol and was paid P10,000.
It was revealed that he carried persons in his kumpit while the second kumpit carried improvised explosive device and weapons, and the third was loaded with provisions and logistics.
Saad reportedly said he regretted coming to Bohol since the place is unfamiliar to him and other members. He originally opted to just stay in Sulu with his family but was prevailed by the order of Abu Rami, the alleged leader of the group who was earlier shot dead with three of his conrades in Clarin town last April 22.
He said it was Abu Rami who insisted they should go to Bohol for a mission — to kidnap and establish a base outside Sulu.
Investigators earlier learned that Saad sustained a gunshot wound in his left shoulder during the firefight in Inabanga on April 11. He was on the other house during the gunfight which enabled him to fled to the adjoining town of Clarin.
Saad also admitted that ASG bomb expert Renierlo Dongon had contacted him about the planned rescue operation. They were exchanging text messages few minutes before Dongon together with Police Supt. Christina Nobleza were arrested in a checkpoint manned by the Philippine Army in Clarin town.
Saad also revealed that after they fled from the government siege in Inabanga town on April 11, they were led by Melloria to Clarin where they were supposed to wait for their rescuers.
While in Clarin, they hid in the cave in Barangay Bacani. But when authorities learned about their hiding place, a firefight ensued with their guide Melloria the first to get killed.
Other two remnants ran to other direction, while Kiram and his three companions ran to Barangay Caboy until his three companions were killed.
Saad survived the Clarin clash by rolling down the hill and hid himself away from the populated area. Hunger, however, drove him to come out and ask for food. He said he didn’t know what happened to the two other Abu Sayyaf members.
The death of Saad puzzled the public even as the police narrated its initial findings stating that the terrorist was allowed to go for a his personal necessity while enroute to the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) jail in barangay Cabawan, this city.
Police said he was transfered to the detention center since there was no cell inside Camp Dagohoy.
However, as to why his transfer was done at dawn while it was dark has not been given an answer during the dialogue with the media at the “Kita ug ang Gobrnador” where Gov. Edgar Chatto took PNP Director Natividad as guest.
Natividad said aside from the two closed in escorts, an advanced and a back-up vehicle were also loaded with policemen to ensure that the high risk personality could not escape. But when asked as to why allowed Saad to disembark from the vehicle for his personal request, Natividad said he has to await the complete report where it will be narrated in detail on what actually happened during the escape attempt which eventually led to Saad’s death.
The identities of the police escorts could not even be released to the media until press time while awaiting the official investigation report, Natividad stressed.
However, initial probe informed Natividad that Saad made a sudden escape while in the bushes. Police said it took more than two hours to hunt Saad since it was still dark while he went across the street which was already part of Cortes town.
When caught during the hot pursuit operations, Saad attempted to grab the firearm from one of the police which prompted the other guard to shot him, hitting him at the center of his forehead. He was rushed to the Gov. Celestino Gallares Regional Hospital in the city where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Ronald dela Rosa has ordered an investigation on the death of Abu Sayyaf member Saad Samad Kiram, who was shot early Friday while allegedly attempting to escape.
“May instruction ang chief PNP to conduct investigation. That’s a normal procedure. Kaya I directed provincial director of Bohol to conduct investigation,” Region 7 police director Chief Supt. Noli Taliño said in a text message.
Saad, one of the Abu Sayyaf members who entered Bohol province in April, was shot dead by police authorities while allegedly trying to escape before dawn Friday, a day after he was arrested.
Bohol Provincial Office Senior Police Supt. Felipe Natividad said Saad, who is also known as Abu Saad, tried to escape around 2 a.m. when he was being transported to the Bohol District Jail (BDJ) from the Bohol Provincial Police Office (BPPO) where he had been held for tactical interrogation.
Taliño could not say how many Saad’s escorts were, but said they were on board two cars with Special Weapons and Tactics personnel.
He said they needed to transfer Saad to BDJ immediately as the BPPO has no detention facility.
He said Saad, considered a high-profile inmate, told his guards that he needed to relieve himself.
“Along the way nagpaalam, magdumi at nag-LBM, medyo malayo pa ang jail [kaya] pinayagan but he escaped,” Taliño said, adding the police looked for Saad for two hours.
Taliño said Saad suddenly emerged around 4:30 a.m. and tried to grab the firearm of one of the operatives. He said it was during the grappling that Saad was shot.