In time for its 30th Anniversary on November 24, Alturas Mall opens its Supermarket extension last Thursday, including the new M.H. del Pilar St. entrance.
Mall manager, Mr. Leo A. Quicoy, said customers at the Supermarket can now enjoy shopping through its wider and spacious aisles, plus the newly-refurbished racks and additional computerized check-out counters for fast and efficient service. The new M.H. del Pilar St. entrance can also make the mall more accessible and convenient for everyone.
Mr. Quicoy added that more portions of the second phase of the mall, now going under construction, will be opened soon to serve the customers better.
Located in the heart of downtown Tagbilaran City, Alturas Supermarket opened as a mall in June 22, last year, with its anchor stores the Supermarket, Home & Fashion Department, Foodwalk, Fixrite Hardware, Medicine Plus Pharmacy, Bread Cottage, School & Office Depot and Wines & Spirits Section, plus tenant shops such as Chowking, Abenson, Goldilocks, Red Ribbon, Marcela Roasted Chicken, and more.
For shopping convenience, Alturas Mall has two other entrances at B. Inting St. and the main door at CPG Avenue, aside from the M.H. del Pilar St. entrance. The Supermarket is open from 7 am to 8:30 pm, while the Home & Fashion Department and mall strip is open from 8 am to 8:30 pm.
From humble beginnings as a sari-sari store in 1972, Alturas has grown to become the biggest group of companies here in Bohol. Its first foray into major-league retailing took place in 1982, when Alturas Supermarket was opened, and became a corporation in 1986.
Since then, the company has steadily grown in leaps and bounds through the years. Its rise from a tiny neighborhood store to a giant corporation can be attributed largely to the incorporator’s industry, determination, business acumen and faith in God. These are the basis of the success and continued expansion of Alturas Supermarket Corporation.