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international-datelineby Edgar Allan J. Tac-an

We saw the extent of terrorist attacks, oppression and conflict from the Middle East and beyond, that bred huge movements of refugees, and steered many countries to protect their security.

Fear-mongering and Islamophobia is increasing, andmany governments were driven to decrease human rights protections to people.

Scaredof peaceful opposition, authoritarian governments over the world recommended severerestrictionson civic groups.


These repressions significantly undermine privacy rights rather than demonstrate competency in the control of terrorism.

Experts say, “The punishment of entire immigrant or minority groups, wrong in itself, is dangerous. Defaming whole communities for the actions of a few creates the kind of division and hostility that terrorist love to exploit.”

In contrast, the UN committed to achieve gender equality. While the failure of disciplinary actions to drug use turns towards legalization in many places.

It has been said, the good judgment preserved in international human rights law offersvitalguidance to governments that seek to keep their nation safe and serve their people most effectively.

To forsake it is to our own risk.





At least 200 migrants and refugees are feared to have drowned in the Mediterranean in 2016 to date, compared with 12 for the whole of January 2014 and 82 in January 2015.


All human situations have their inconveniences. We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for the worse.


Benjamin Franklin

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