Tagbilaran to adopt Davao City’s ‘knock and persuade’ campaign

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Tagbilaran to adopt Davao City’s ‘knock and persuade’ campaign

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Policemen in the city will start to literally knock on doors of drug suspects and ask them to stop their involvement in illegal drugs.

According to Tagbilaran City Vice Mayor Jose “Toto ” Veloso, city officials are preparing measures to help the Tagbilaran City Police Station implement the initiative dubbed Oplan Tokhang (tok-tok hangyo or knock and persuade)  which has been used in Davao City in efforts to boost local authorities’ anti-illegal drugs bid.

The operation which would involve visiting homes of suspected drug personalities and asking them to stop their involvement in the drug trade will be conducted in Tagbilaran barangays and will be led by the police, city officials, and barangay captains.

Tagbilaran City police chief, Senior Superintendent George Vale, had previously asked barangay captains to list the names of residents in their respective areas who are known to be involved in illegal drugs.


The 15 barangay captains of the city are set to hold an assembly to further plan details regarding the operation, Veloso said.

While police and city officials will be spearheading the operations, barangay officials will also play crucial roles as they are the ones who know the drug pushers, and even the users in their respective areas, Veloso added.

Authorities will validate the submitted list of drug personalities first before starting Oplan Tokhang.

Veloso asked for the public’s cooperation as he noted that the initiative is not meant to shame families which have members involved in drugs but to help suspects stop doing criminal activities and keep them from harm.

Oplan Tokhang is among the initial projects of incoming Philippine National Police Director, Chief Superintendent Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa, to address the country’s worsening illegal drugs problem.

The initiative was first implemented in Davao City when dela Rosa was still the police chief of the city. (with reports from Allen Doydora)


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