Uncanny similarities

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Uncanny similarities

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duterteLook at the striking similarities of the poses of Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte and the late president of the USA Abraham Lincoln. Uncannily- both are also the 16th presidents of their respective countries. Lincoln is considered a prairie lawyer (rural areas) while Digong is lawyer of Davao (province not Metro Manila) until he became a prosecutor. Both served as representatives before becoming president — Digong for one term; Abe for two terms. Lincoln got the belt from a disciplinarian father; Digong reportedly from a disciplinarian mother. Lincoln presided over a turbulent period in US history: the American civil war. Duterte had declared war versus drugs and criminals nationwide. Lincoln ended slavery by edict and Duterte is trying to end contractualization”, Abe strengthened US Federalism- Digong is pushing for a change of RP to a several federal states. Lincoln is known globally for this famous three-minute Gettysburg Address while Duterte quoted Lincoln in his inaugural speech. Reality, sometimes, is stranger than fiction.

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