Of lawyers and journalists

THE HOLY NAME UNIVERSITY  honored its “Golden Harvest” of 16 new lawyers with a three days activities last Friday up to…

Game of Thrones – Philippines

SCRUPULOUSLY  MR. CLEAN  and heir to a legacy of the heroism of parents Cory and Ninoy, former president Noynoy Aquino brought…

A mysterious stranger that I met

——————————————————————————————————————- GUEST EDITORIAL ——————————————————————————————————————- (TWO DAYS BEFORE  we enplaned last Friday for Bohol , we had a business meeting with…

Terror fear grips Boholanos

TRY AS HARD AS  they can not to show any signs of fear amid terrorism stories, Boholanos fell to the human…

A tribute to Erico Aumentado

IT IS A PRIVILEGE AND HONOR for the Editor of the Chronicle to be the main author of the biography  ” “Erico Boyles…

Chronicle turns 63

ONE OF THE BEST QUOTATIONS  we hold dear in our heart is : ” the most important days in one’s life…

Fiesta – Bohol style, arriba!

LIKE NO OTHER- BOHOL FIESTAS ARE . Fiestas, after all, are as exciting to Boholanos as Christmas, New Year and…

Community solidarity beats terrorism

THE ABU SAYYAF TERRORISTS, will think ten times now before  coming back to Bohol again.  Boholanos have proven to be rock…