Why is Dagohoy Day on July 4?

Proem Boholanos have always been proud of the Dagohoy Revolution. However, what almost everybody could say is it lasted for 85…

Boholana beauty queens turned doctors

Tubignons celebrate the recent milestones of their beauty queens who passed the September 2019 licensure examination for physicians during a…

Generalized anxiety disorder

On Friday evening, I guested a live radio program and talked about anxiety and depression among students. Yes, these two…

Borrowed freedom

With P3,000 in his pocket, rape convict Melchor Jumamil was giddy like a little boy as he stepped out of…

Bohol’s bright future

It is probably not practical nor wise to gauge our province’s bright future, even of our country, in the hands…

Happy relationships

I came across an infographic in the internet which reveals what research has found out about people in happy relationships.…

Be bold, be Catholic

"Amen I say to you whatever you do to the least of your brethren, you do it unto Me."- Jesus Christ                       
"As stewards of God's creation, we are asked to make earth a beautiful garden for the human family. (When we don't) we betray the noble calling." - Pope Francis