Religion and depression

There are very promising discoveries on the relationship between religiosity and depression. Religiosity, as defined, refers to one’s belief of…

Facebook and mood

Who does not use Facebook? More than one billion people log into Facebook every day. Unarguably, Facebook is still the…

The President Quezon we did not know

  • He was the fiery orator who threw expletives in English and Spanish and fought strongly for Philippine independence from America
  • Unfortunately, the Quezon who was President in exile during the Japanese occupation did not live to see the Philippines granted her independence

Derivative Philippine citizenship

Derivative citizenship, by  the word “derivative,” is acquiring Philippine citizenship because a former Filipino parent who had been naturalized in…

Good news and bad news

On Health. We know for a fact that our public hospitals are usually full, and most patients are poor. The…

Boholana singer-actress-comedienne saddened over Eddie Garcia’s death


  • Scene: The search for Sandugo Queen 2019 is open to transgender females who best suit the five titles up for grabs in a competition that showcases their beauty, wit and talent. The coronation night is at 8 p.m. on July 26 at the Bohol Cultural Center.
  • Seen: A new species of shipworm or a clam with a worm-like body found in Bohol was introduced by a group of scientists this week. What’s interesting is this marine species Lithoredo abatanica eats rocks, rather than the wood diet of other shipworm species.