Red tide warning up again!

The regional office of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)-7 yesterday hoisted the red tide alert anew covering…

Boats moored at Alona a drawback

PANGLAO.- Unlicensed outrigger motorboats moored nearby the almost one kilometer shoreline stretch of Alona white beach of this tourist town…

Boholano TNTs in USA in panic

Boholanos who are illegally working in the various parts of the United States seem to count their days before they…

Power still a problem

Bohol continues to find ways to gradually detach from the Leyte grid for the growing power supply demand of the…

Ombuds verdict: Yap can’t be out

Third District Rep. Arthur Yap has finally spoken against insinuations dragging him into the Ombudsman’s verdict against former TESDA secretary…

47 deaths in drug operations in Bohol

Police confirmed that since the start of the Duterte administration, 47 drug personalities were killed, according to police community relations…