Proem When Francisco “Dagohoy” Sendrijas declared his defiance against Spain on July 4, 1744 the Spanish government did not immediately…
Our country’s best choirs would certainly include the Madrigal Singers, Ateneo Glee Club and UP Concert Chorus. They have reaped…
I came across a Facebook rant from friend Karen when she came from Bangkok. She was bringing into the country…
The family that prays together, stays together. Sounds familiar? There is no doubt about the power of prayer. But many…
Wake-uppers: Scene: Boholana beauty queen Gazini Ganados is possibly our 5th Miss Universe, fans said. “Phoenix walk indeed, she was…
Proem It is significant to observe that after the Tamblot Resistance in Bohol, there seems to be no more conflict…
When people look at this carabao at the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) at Ubay Stock Farm, they often do a…
Going around the province giving mental health talks to students, teachers, and parents led me to confirm that many of…
Pag-amomasamgamakaluluoy, Pagpanalipudsakinaiyahan, PagpukawsakulturangBol-anon, Pagpalambosaekonomiyapinaagisaturismo. These are the 4Ps of Governor Art Yap. We can describe it with 2Cs: Clear and…
The Southeast Asian Games (SEA) Games, which the country will host for the first time in 14 years, will be…
Melanie, a grandmother of an almost 3-year old girl, brought her granddaughter to the clinic because she observed that she…