After father killed self: son, 9, saves mother from suicide try in Balilihan

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After father killed self: son, 9, saves mother from suicide try in Balilihan

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Had her 9-year-old son not seen her and quickly alerted neighbors, Mylene Tadtad, 29, would have possibly bled to death.

Based on initial police investigation, Tadtad was found sprawled on the floor with a two-inch deep wound on her left arm inside their house in Barangay Haguilanan Grande, Balilihan at around 7 p.m. on Sunday.

Authorities indicated that Tadtad may have attempted to take her own life by slitting her arm due to depression, barely three months after her husband also allegedly committed suicide.

READ: ‘Mentally ill’ man, 26, hangs self in Tubigon


According to Balilihan police investigator PO3 Harold Daraman, Tadtad’s son immediately alerted officials at the barangay hall after seeing her bloodied inside their home.

Tadtad was rushed to the Catigbian District Hospital and was then treated for her injury, Daraman said.

Based on neighbors’ narration to police, Tadtad may have been suffering from depression due to her husband’s passing.

Tadtad was left with four children, all minors, after her husband’s death.

READ: OFW dead in apparent suicide in Tubigon

According to Daraman, Tadtad’s husband hanged himself from a coconut tree in July this year.

People close to the family believed that financial problems may have driven the husband to take his own life. (Allen Doydora)

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